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Epstolas de Pablo

Original price was: $15.99.Current price is: $12.79.

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SKU: ASZI856729 Category:

Epstolas de Pablocontiene un estudio sobre las trece cartas escritas por el apstol Pablo, situndose en su contexto histrico para mayor beneficio del lector. Constituye una fuente riqusima de sabidura e inspiracin espiritual, y su anlisis es vital para todo cristiano, y fundamental para comprender la Biblia con mayor profundidad. El autor hace en esta excelente obra un estudio comparativo de las Epstolas con Los Hechos de los Apstoles y, a la vez, de unas con otras, demostrando que las personas y las circunstancias fueron reales, las cartas autnticas y la narracin correcta e inspirada. Incluye:

  • Estudio de las trece Epstolas del Apstol Pablo.
  • Amplia introduccin al contexto histrico de las Epstolas.
  • Fidelidad al texto original.
  • Concordancia.

Epistles of Paul

Epistles of Paulcontains a thorough study of the thirteen letters written by the Apostle Paul, placing it in their historical context for the benefit of the reader. It is a rich source of wisdom and spiritual inspiration, and its analysis is vital for every Christian, and essential to understand the Bible in greater depth. The author makes in this excellent work a comparative study of the Epistles with the Acts of the Apostles and, at the same time, with each other, demonstrating that the people and the circumstances were real, the letters authentic, and the narrative correct and inspired. It includes:

  • Study of the thirteen Epistles of the Apostle Paul.
  • Extensive introduction to the historical context of the Epistles.
  • Fidelity to the original text.
  • Concordance.

Epstolas de Pablocontiene un estudio sobre las trece cartas escritas por el apstol Pablo, situndose en su contexto histrico para mayor beneficio del lector. Constituye una fuente riqusima de sabidura e inspiracin espiritual, y su anlisis es vital para todo cristiano, y fundamental para comprender la Biblia con mayor profundidad. El autor hace en esta excelente obra un estudio comparativo de las Epstolas con Los Hechos de los Apstoles y, a la vez, de unas con otras, demostrando que las personas y las circunstancias fueron reales, las cartas autnticas y la narracin correcta e inspirada. Incluye:

  • Estudio de las trece Epstolas del Apstol Pablo.
  • Amplia introduccin al contexto histrico de las Epstolas.
  • Fidelidad al texto original.
  • Concordancia.

Epistles of Paul

Epistles of Paul contains a thorough study of the thirteen letters written by the Apostle Paul, placing it in their historical context for the benefit of the reader. It is a rich source of wisdom and spiritual inspiration, and its analysis is vital for every Christian, and essential to understand the Bible in greater depth. The author makes in this excellent work a comparative study of the Epistles with the Acts of the Apostles and, at the same time, with each other, demonstrating that the people and the circumstances were real, the letters authentic, and the narrative correct and inspired. It includes:

  • Study of the thirteen Epistles of the Apostle Paul.
  • Extensive introduction to the historical context of the Epistles.
  • Fidelity to the original text.
  • Concordance.


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